Three ways to grow deeper in your intimacy with God

Uncategorized Dec 15, 2017

by Candra 
Three ways to grow deeper in your intimacy with God

I often hear people that say “I can’t hear God.” or “God does not speak to me like He does you.” Scripture tells us that we all can hear the voice of God.  John 10:27 says “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”  I believe we just get distracted with business and fail to be still and know that He is God. The enemy’s whole intent is to separate us from God and so he will try to seed lies that we are incapable or unworthy of hearing the voice of God. This is why we must align our thinking and our mind with the mind of Christ.  Intimacy in any relationship takes intentionality, time and communication.

So Here are 3 easy steps to grow deeper in your intimacy with God

Worship – Worship intentionally aligns our heart with the heart of the Father. We focus on His promises and truths while posturing our spirit for deeper intimacy with Him. I love to worship through music, and personally this is a powerful way I position my heart in a posture of gratitude and praise.  Worship from your instrument, or simply choose a few worship songs and sing along. Our hearts come together as we worship in spirit and truth.
Be Still – In a world where there is so much media noise, you literally must separate yourself from all distractions.  Put your phone in another room.  Turn off all media / music and go to a quiet place where you can just sit in silence.    Often it takes me a few minutes to clear my head, quiet the noise and allow the Holy Spirit to speak.  As I just am still, I close my eyes and invite the Holy Spirit in and He will begin to reveal Himself.  Often, He might be just a small voice in my head, or maybe I will get a download of creative ideas or solutions for things I am praying about.  The Holy Spirit might give me a song to write, or reveal a picture in my mind’s eye.  Sometimes I’m simply reminded of a scripture of His promises which builds me up, encourages me, or strengthens me.  God speaks to each of us in a unique way, so don’t look for a formula. Just be still, clear you mind and allow God to meet you in the special way that He will.
Journal – Often we journal to God, but allowing God to journal to you, like a love letter to his beloved.  I know that sounds different but often when I am teaching about hearing the voice of God and His heart for His children I will encourage this exercise and it always produces incredible testimony.   Get your journal and simply put your pen to the paper and ask God, “What do you think of me God? How Do you see me?”    Write down exactly what comes to your mind. Do not process it, correct it or even reread it until you are finished writing. Just journal… God has good thoughts about you, and you will be wowed as He reveals His love and Joy over who you are.  When I first started doing this I would find myself “thinking” about what I was writing and hearing myself contradict the Love of God. Let it go. Just journal and be wowed at how your Poppa sees you and reveals His love for you.  You will know it from the Lord as He has Good things to say about his precious child.
I pray you continue to draw deeper into the heart of God and that as you do He reveals His incredible love and passion for you!  We were all created to worship God and walk in intimacy with Him as we continue this journey of life.  Bless you in your day, your time and your journaling.

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