Costa Rica Part 3: His Promise 20 Years Later

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2017

by Payton Oakes |  Guest Blogger

Costa Rica Part 3: His Promise 20 Years Later
It was another hot day in the lovely country of Costa Rica, and we had moved to another YWAM (Youth With A Mission)  base that was in the mountains. This base was a little smaller in the country side which was nice. A little break from the city cars honking, along with dogs barking, not missing a beat.

The morning was January 18, 2010. The team had breakfast in the kitchen area consisting of powder milk that you added water to, cereal, and toast with the accommodations of jelly. Today we as a team were partnering with the YWAM base to put a bible in every hand in the community. I was so excited because by this time I really enjoyed talking with people about Jesus along with asking them if there was a prayer they needed or just listening to stories from their lives.

One of my favorite people that we were able to talk to was a little old man. You could tell that he had seen many years and that he lived a simple lifestyle. We were able through our translator have a small conversation with him and to put a Spanish bible into his hands. He smiled toothless as we walked down his front path, back into the neighborhood looking for the next set of hands in need of a bible.

It was then that it hit me as we were walking down the dirt road that dusted our shoes with a red coloring dust. During the time of my season of living and traveling with YWAM my mom had been working on a book of testimony of a time in her life.  Events that she had walked through as a young woman not knowing what was going to happen, but God was along her side the whole time holding her close. The books title was “His Promise 20 Years Later” and in the book was a testimony of a mother who listened to God. Giving life to her child who she had planned to abort but in a cry out to God,  God said “give him life just as I have given you life”.

God had spoken to my mom to trust in Him in such a season of life. Though at a time, her question was asking God how could she do this, because she could not do it on her own. God responded with the answer, “Raise him to share my word, and I will bless your child”

20 Years later God’s promise was fulfilled. My mom’s book (His Promise 20 Years Later) was being published January 18, 2010 and I was in the country roads of Costa Rica sharing His word by putting bibles in hands that were empty. Also did I mention that January 18, 2010, I turned 20 years old.  Again I say that His promise 20 years later was FULFILLED!


“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11.

God knew exactly what He was doing throughout all the years of the time I call life. It blows my mind looking back from the day I was born, to the day I turned 20, I could see in different places God’s hand on my life.

That moment walking down the dirt road was a moment that I can not fully describe of just an awe that I had of God. It took me to a deeper level of my relationship with God and still today the thought brings tears to my eyes. Not just because this was a luck situation but this is an example of the power and love of God. 

* This is a must read book: His Promise 20 Years Later. By Candra Colla Niswanger. find it on, digital download available on Amazon.

Click the Book Below For More on His Promise 20 Years Later

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