Be Still and Know that I am God…

Uncategorized May 01, 2018

Today as I sat in the prayer room for a bit, I kept hearing the Lord say “Be Still and Know that I am God.”   One of my favorite places to escape from everything and “Be Still” is in one of the prayer rooms where I can just snuggle into a couch, have I-hop or Bethel-TV worshiping in the back ground and just close my eyes and BE… Sometimes I feel guilty like I should be having this long drawn out conversation with the Lord, after all I am a chatty girl, but then the peace comes over me that I can just BE in His presence and it fills me up full.  One time I even fell asleep and when I woke up for a moment had that panic that I was just caught drooling on my desk in a classroom English class.  Then I had to giggle because I was SOOOO refreshed, and felt like I had laid in the very arms of the Lord as I slept.  I was so peaceful and rested…

The business of life keeps all of us running and I totally think that is a tricky seduction of the Enemy.. That is we are “busy” we are “successful” or “accomplishing” some great thing when the reality is we are missing out on the very presence and encounter with the Great I AM..  Lord forgive us of our business… may we ALL take time everyday, to put you FIRST and only move when you tell us to move! May we all find rest and restoration in your arms.  Lord I pray peaceful rest over ALL my sister’s and brother’s in Christ. May they come to know your amazing love in a deeper and radical way!  Love you Daddy!! ~ Your Girl C

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